
Their Second Chance by April Angel (CR) : Spotlight, Excerpt, Trailer, Author Interview & Giveaway

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Book Blurb & Info

After five years with a man she loved, Ariana Parker held the divorce papers in hand. From the moment she met him, Nick was the only man to make her body burn and fill her heart with joy, but somewhere along the way, they lost their ability to communicate--in any language.

Nick Parker lost the woman he loved to the trials of conception. Their inability to cope with their failure broke down their relationship and their friendship. And now, he's left with a woman he lusts after, longs for, and doesn't know how to reach.

One locked door and plenty of time to hash out their problems will either leave them broken forever or might just be the glue that holds them together.

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Book Excerpt

Ariana Parker lifted her gaze from the steering wheel. She stared at the clean, dark-gray lines of the ultra-modern office building in front of her. She swallowed down the acid burning the back of her throat and hoped she wouldn’t get sick.

A wild churning, which started the moment she opened her eyes that morning, grew in intensity when she thought of what she was there for: to sign the divorce papers. She gathered every scrap of courage she could muster, which wasn’t much at this point, and tried to calm her nerves.

Another wave of anxiety rushed through her. It would take so little for her to crumble. The knot in her throat grew bigger. She wanted to scream and cry and curse the world for her misery. When her lawyer’s assistant called her, she’d had the crazy hope that Nick might have changed his mind. That wasn’t the case. Instead, she had calmly informed Ari that everything was ready for their signatures.

After shutting off the engine, she had to mentally prepare herself to see the only man she’d ever loved. And the only man it hurt to have lost. So many years together. All gone. Her heart squeezed hard in her chest. Pain was a constant for her now. So much a part of her life since they’d separated that she had almost forgotten what it was like to be happy.

Cool evening air caressed her bare arms when she slid out of her navy Chevy. The car was Nick’s gift to her on their last anniversary, and the only thing she had left of their life together. Piercing anger stabbed at her chest, making her wince. They’d lasted seven years together. Five of those years married. Five amazing years.

Until it all went to hell.

She’d never understand how they went from best friends to strangers in the course of a year. Her mind fought against the idea that they’d been ill-suited to begin with. That he wasn’t the right man for her. Or that she wasn’t the right woman for him.

Nick’s pick-up was already parked in front of the entrance. She gulped at the dryness in her throat, rubbed her palms on the sides of her sundress, and hoped she didn’t make a spectacle of herself.

The closer she moved to the building, the harder it became to breathe. Sorrow, rage, and a mixture of desolation mingled to create a large void inside her. This was the last straw. She’d not only lost her husband, but she’d lost her best friend. She thought of what lay ahead and chastised herself for losing her cool. Damn it all to hell! It was hard to concede defeat when Nick had been her first and only love. As much as it hurt to admit it, she’d been the one to ask for the divorce, and he hadn’t fought it. He hadn’t argued or complained. All he’d done was say if that was what she wanted he was fine with it.

White-hot anger rose within her. Like giant cresting waves of heat, she felt it spread inside. She let it expand until she was fuming from his lack of concern for her. Clearly, divorce was the best option for them. It was overdue. Putting off the inevitable would only add more years of torture for them both. And though they had been estranged for almost two years, she didn’t wish Nick any harm. Time to finish this.

She yanked the lobby door open and freezing air slid over her, cooling some of the sizzle on her skin. She glanced around. Small, black sofas sat to one side while a large, glass receptionist desk was placed by the hallway that led to the partner offices and conference rooms. Her gaze clashed with Nick’s. For a second, her heart tripped. The emotions hidden deep in her heart—the ones she’d been fighting to ignore all day—rose to the surface. Love. Desire. Need. And pain.

She watched him stand as soon as he saw her. Her gaze roamed his body, remembering the feel of each line under her fingers. A blue T-shirt hugged his muscular torso, muscles he’d gained from working long hours at his construction company. She gulped, tamping down the instant flare of arousal. Figured her body would betray her. Disgust at herself flourished just as quickly as her pulse quickened. How could their bodies be so attuned but their minds be in such disarray? Faded denim encased his legs, and the black work-boots she was all too familiar with covered his feet.

A bright blaze ignited from the quick glance at the man she’d once known so well. Chemistry had never been a problem for them. She licked her lips. Her gaze slowly worked its way back up his body, this time taking in the sleeve tattoos covering his arms in intricate and beautiful designs. She continued up until her gaze met his blue eyes.


Hi April,

Thank you so much for sitting down with Toot's for an interview. If you don't mind, I have some questions for you about your new book Their Second Chance and your process for our budding authors as well as fans.

So first off, Their Second Chance Questions.......

In your own words, what is Their Second Chance about?

It’s about a couple about to get a divorce. They were for a long time best friends and loved each other deeply. Until they decided to have a baby. This couple finds themselves locked in their lawyer’s office during an earthquake. What happens next is what should have happened before. They start to open up to each other.

How did you come up with the title of the book and can you tell us its significance?

The title came to me with the story. Since they’ve already been married, it was perfect for it to be their second chance.

Is Their Second Chance a standalone book or will it be part of a series? 

It is a stand alone. Though I have another story on second chances in mind. Not connected to this one.

Their Second Chance is a Contemporary Romance, for fans of that genre, what sets your book apart? 

Their Second chance is more about feelings. About struggles. It’s real. Or one version of reality. It shows how miscommunication or lack of communication can really tear down any relationship. No matter how strong it started out.

What was your favorite scene to write for either your hero or heroine in Their Second Chance? 

I think when Nick is told something at the hospital about his wife. It’s a struggle to see a man’s insight on how he’d deal with the possibility of being without the woman he loves. The only woman.

What was the hardest scene to write? 

The climax. It was heart wrenching and I really felt bad for being so mean.

What's your favorite line or quote from this book? 

Sometimes love was enough.


Do you recall how your interest in writing originated and what made you decide to pursue it as a career?

I’ve always written. It may not have been good for a long time, lol. But I love writing. I pursued on the push of my bestie Mina Carter who is an amazing writer.

What inspires you to put the pen to paper or fingers to the keyboard? 

Ugh. That’s a tough one. I think I have to feel the story. It has to almost tell itself through my fingers without me having to fight it.

What are some of the elements in/of your writing process? 

Um. I don’t have one. I let a story roll around my head until I get a good idea what’s going on and then I do an outline. Then I write.

Are you a Plotter or a Panster? 

More pantser than plotter but I outline so that’s something.

Have you released anything under a different pen name, and if so, is there any difference between them? 

Yes. I also write PNR under Milly Taiden. The differences are that while Milly’s shifters do fun growling, biting and fighting, April’s human’s use romance and erotic conversations to get what they want.

What's next for you? 

As April I am in Rachel Firasek’s Sin Circus with my first FFM ménage. It was really cool and interesting to write. As Milly I’m working on putting out book 2 of the Federal Paranormal Unit.

Is there anything you’d like to add or say to your fans? 

Thanks for reading my books. You are awesome.

Personal questions......

Now I know this is like asking you to choose between your own children, but out of all your amazing characters, who is your favorite and why?

I love them all. I think they’re all like my babies. lol

Are there any of your stories or characters that hold a special place in your heart? 

Maybe Brock from Dangerous Protector (WIP) he’s being a hard head.

If the book had to have a theme song, what would it be? 

Something romantic about taking a chance.

Can you describe for the readers a perfect day or date for your couple from Their Second Chance? 

Walking in the rain. A picnic at a park. Anything where it’s just the two of them.

Lastly, let's steal an idea from the magazines.....What 5 things do fans not know about you and 5 they don't know about the book?


  1. I have a very flighty muse who’s addicted to peanut M&Ms
  2. I’m a foodie and would try a new restaurant daily if I could.
  3. I love to travel and do things with family and friends
  4. I like to do things for charity.
  5. I only have one child and he is worth ten little minions.


  1. It is not a PNR (it’s Contemp)
  2. It’s about an already married couple (a first for me)
  3. It’s based on my own life experiences. 
  4. It’s got a lot of emotion but still a happy ending.
  5. It’s a bit different than my usual AA contemporaries.

Thank YOU for having me over :D

THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU for taking time to answer some questions. Congratulations on the new book and I can't wait for everyone to read it!

Author Info

Hi! I'm Milly (AKA April Angel) I love to write sexy stories. They're usually either paranormal or contemporary with a large dose of heat. My paranormal stories can be anything from wolf-shifters (my favorites) to witches, demons and anything in between. My contemporaries are usually anything from soldiers to corporate romances.

I was born the prettiest part of the Caribbean known as the Dominican Republic. Currently, I live in New York City with my hubby, the bossy kiddo and our little dog "Needy Speedy". Don't ask.

When I'm not working some really long hours at the day job, or hanging out in the awful life-sucking invention known as Facebook, messaging my bestie in the UK or shopping with my sis Julie, then I can be found watching scary movies. Buuut when I'm not doing that, I'm usually writing because the voices won't shut up.

I am addicted to shoe shopping, chocolate (but who isn't, right?) and Dunkin' Donuts coffee.

Come on over and visit me! I love to meet new readers!

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