
Spotlight, Extras & Author Interview : Sex and the Single Vamp by Robin Covington (PNR)

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Book Blurb & Info

Cici Trent, vampire and media darling, spends her days finding true love for humans and supernaturals (the “Others”) at her dating agency. But someone is trying to sabotage her business and she needs help. Unfortunately, the best man for the job is the one who broke her still beating heart two hundred fifty-four years ago.

Deacon is a patient vampire. He’s only loved one woman in over three hundred years— CiCi— and she chose another. So when she shows up in his office asking for help, he finally has the chance to lay that demon to rest. He’ll help her, but for a price—a night in his bed.

Adrenaline, mischief, and a little late-night B&E light the passion that even a couple of lifetimes couldn't put out. But Deacon has a secret and when Cici is suddenly mortal, his deception might be the only way restore her immortality. Can love bridge the gap between a heartbeat and forever?

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“Sex & the Single Vamp is the perfect blend of dark and sexy.” - #1 New York Times Bestseller, Jennifer Armentrout

“The world building is engaging, original, and all consuming and if you think you know what's going to happen don't. Twists and turns abound. The characters practically walk off the sizzling pages and the romance between Deacon and Cici runs from intoxicatingly erotic to heartbreakingly tender. I was rooting for this supernatural couple from page one! Book boyfriend...thy name is Deacon. - Sara Humphreys, Bestselling Author of UNCLAIMED

Book Extras

Website book page with trailer, playlist and more:


Hi Robin,

Thank you so much for sitting down with Toot's for an interview. If you don't mind, I have some questions for you about your new book Sex and the Single Vamp and your process for our budding authors as well as fans.

So first off, Sex and the Single Vamp Questions.......

In your own words, what is Sex and the Single Vamp about?

It is about two people who have eternity but still can’t stay away from each other.

How did you come up with the title of the book and can you tell us its significance?

Cici – the heroine – owns a dating agency. She’s more an old-fashioned matchmaker and it made me think of the old 1960’s TV shows which had titles like “Love American Style” and I came up with the title.

Is Sex and the Single Vamp a standalone book or will it be part of a series?

It was intended to be a standalone but so many of the early readers loved it that I think I might make it a series. Stand by . .

What genre would you say Sex and the Single Vamp is and what sets your book apart for fans of the genre?

It is paranormal but also a strong contemporary. It doesn't fall into the dark end of the genre but it has its dark moments. It is more of a Susan Sizemore type vampire story than a J.R. Ward – does that make sense?

What was your favorite scene to write for either your hero or heroine in Sex and the Single Vamp?

The first sex scene. *grin* They’d waited over 250 years to do the deed and I took it to the max. it didn’t hurt that Deacon is 100% Alpha.

What was the hardest scene to write?

I don't want to spoil the book but there is a scene at the end that has made more than one reviewer cry . . .

What's your favorite line or quote from the book?

“I’ll be happy to discuss my commitment issues on another day. Right now, we need to make sure she stays alive long enough for me to sleep with her and then act like the asshole you so clearly think I am.” – Deacon

He is rough around the edges but has an amazing sense of humor and I think that is so sexy.


Do you recall how your interest in writing originated and what made you decide to pursue it as a career?

I have always scribbled down stories but I didn't seek publication until I turned 40. I had a close friend who died at the age of 42 from cancer and her death told me that I wasn’t guaranteed a someday. So, I got busy!

What inspires you to put the pen to paper or fingers to the keyboard?

I love telling my stories – they run like movies in my head. I believe that love is for everyone and that you can make your own HEA. So, I write heroes and heroines with flaws to show that it doesn't matter who you are – love is there for you. And hot sex¼don't forget the hot sex¼everyone is entitled to that too.

What are some of the elements in/of your writing process?

I don't really have a process. I do put together a playlist for each book, turn on my iPod and get started. If I waited for my muse to show up, I’d never have written a word.

Are you a Plotter or a Panster?

Plotser? I have a bulletzied outline of where the book is going but it isn’t terribly detailed and I allow myself to tweak it as I go.

Have you released anything under a different pen name, and if so, is there any difference between them?

Nope. Although my other books are straight contemporaries.

What's next for you?

I’m writing the third book in a wedding trilogy with two other authors. They will be out in June, July and August. I am also working on a romantic suspense series that my agent will shop.

Is there anything you’d like to add or say to your fans?

Email me! Find me on Facebook! I love to talk books.

Personal questions......

Now I know this is like asking you to choose between your own children, but out of all your amazing characters, who is your favorite and why?

I think my fave is always in the book that I’m currently releasing. The hard work is done and I can just enjoy them. So for now, it is Deacon. He is sexy, smart, brave and tenacious in his love of CIci. And in my head he looks like Jason Momoa – yum.

Are there any of your stories or characters that hold a special place in your heart?

The first one will always be special to me. A Night of Southern Comfort was the proof of my dream coming true.

If the book had to have a theme song, what would it be?

Sex and The Single Vamp – it would be Gravity by Sara Bareilles. Poignant, passionate but so very sad. Love it.

Can you describe for the readers a perfect date for your couple from Sex and the Single Vamp?

A night on Deacon’s rooftop terrace with the DC skyline below. Food. Dancing. Hot sex.

Lastly, let's steal an idea from the magazines.....What 5 things do fans not know about you and 5 they don't know about the book?


1. I have naturally curly hair (it is not a perm)

2. I name all of my electronics and my car after favorite fictional heroes and heroines. My iPad is named Nick Ward – a Shannon McKenna hero.

3. I wear red and black everyday.

4. I married my husband twice.

5. My great-grandmother grew up on a reservation.


1. It was inspired by my vacation in Williamsburg Va.

2. I changed Cici’s name three times

3. I struggled over whether I would have them bite each other in the book

4. All of the places in the book are places I have visited. (names changed on some of them)

5. I researched mythology for about three weeks before I started the book.

THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU for taking time to answer some questions. Congratulations on the new book and I can't wait for everyone to read it!

Author Info

Robin Covington loves to explore the theme of fooling around and falling in love in her bestselling books. When she’s not writing sexy, sizzling romance she’s collecting tasty man candy, indulging in a little comic book geek love, and stalking Joe Manganiello. You can find Robin at her website (, Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest. Don't send chocolate . . . send eye candy!

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