
Review: Stolen Donor (Stolen #1) by Cee Smith

Book Blurb

I did everything that was expected of me. I got good grades, went to a good college; I never even had a boyfriend, which for a normal girl of twenty-two was practically unheard of. My life was safe, predictable. That all changed when Dominic kidnapped me, robbing me of the cookie-cutter life I so carefully handcrafted. I was abducted and a new me was born.

I spent so long uncovering secrets that it was becoming a bit of a specialty for me. After watching Hailey for twelve months I knew the secrets she held—the repressed temptation that called to men like me. Stealing her was easy, making her fall in love with me, even easier. It was the feeling she sparked in me that I had no control over. A feeling I never expected. But the one thing that threatened to unravel us both was my secret, the reason I took her in the first place.

Dominic and Hailey were two people from two different worlds, and some paths should never cross.

WARNING: This book contains situations that some may find offensive. Please read with caution if you are sensitive to dubious consent or graphic language.


Toot's Review by Stephanie Silva

Stolen Donor is the first book on the Stolen series but don’t worry haters of cliffhangers, it can be read as a standalone. Before, I start telling you a little about this novel I must confess that I kind of enjoy these abduction romances, especially when the kidnappers are highlander. What can I say? Those are too charming to detest. It is easy for them to win the heart of the captive. However, the important part of these types of books is how the author develops the kidnappers since that can make the reader hate him or, somehow, forgive him and wish for his happiness with the heroine. I must want you though, that this book is no sweet romance. No, it is a dark novel about a sweet and cheerful girl, a good young lady that caught the interest of the wrong guy for several reasons. In other circumstances, Hayley would have wanted to be the girl of Dominic’s eyes. After all, a handsome and alpha guy like him is every girl’s dream. However, kidnap, scare, molest, yell and chain her aren’t that high in her list of attributes that her perfect man must have.

I must confess that to some point the story wasn’t realistic. Don’t get me wrong, I was so angry at Dominic and crying a few tears because of Hayley every now and then. Nevertheless, I felt that the pre-ending was a little too rushed and that the author wanted to fix everything in the blink of an eye. What Dominic did was unforgivable. He was dying, I understand, but kidnapping your own donor is really cruel but having those intentions while you let her fall in love with you is something just a monster could do. I really don’t know if I would have been able to forgive him. To some point he seemed so broken when she started acting so angry and hurt towards him but I truly hate that he got over it. I truly wished that the author would have given him a little taste of what it feels like to lose the one you love, even for a little bit, to make him feel everything Hayley did when her hope of being loved by Dominic crumble.

What can I say about the plot, it was unrealistic to some point and some things happened that weren’t quite solved. I wonder if there would be a sequel that will talk about those complications and give us a little peek in the lives of the ex-captor and ex-captive. Now, when it comes to the character, it is no secret that I harbor dual feelings towards Dominic. He could be so gentle sometimes but he was also a real cruel man to some extent. I feel that he acted that way because he was scared he would lose everything he worked so hard for if he wasn’t the monster others believe he was. To some point, I think that he thought Hayley would leave if he didn’t scare her, restrain her. He wanted her happy and comfortable with him but he also needed her scared, at least to a certain extent, so he could keep her from trying to leave. Hayley, well I can’t either say that I love her or that I don’t. I liked her playful and cheerful self but I really can’t accept that she forgave Dominic so easily. She had backbone, I accept and admire that. Nevertheless, I truly think she should have made Dominic feel, at the very least, a little bit of that she felt when he mistreated her and destroyed her hope of being loved by him.

I do believe this story has potential and I will be waiting for the sequel with high expectations

3.5 stars

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