
Spotlight, Teasers & Excerpt: Bloody Kingdom by Kayleigh King

Title: Bloody Kingdom
Series: Crimson Crown #1
Author: Kayleigh King
Genre: Paranormal/Vampire Romance
Release Date: May 21, 2021


This isn’t a fairytale.
I dethroned Prince Charming long ago.
They call me the King of darkness and death.
Ruler of the underworld.
My reign is ruthless, my word is the law.
If I want it, I take it, regardless of the bloodshed.
But then she walks into my life.
I don’t want her, I need her.
She can fight, she can beg, but her fate is sealed.
Until her debt is paid, she’s mine.

She ran from her old life, but she can’t outrun me.
Welcome to my Bloody Kingdom, Quincey Page

Bloody Kingdom is a twisted fairytale retelling with paranormal elements. It is not suitable for all readers due to the sexually explicit scenes, strong language, and physical and sexual violence. Please consider this before reading.


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She nervously licks her lips, wincing when her tongue brushes the cut that now resides there. “Why am I here?” Quincey questions. “What do you want from me? Money?” She shakes her head. “I don’t have anything to give you.”
I bark out a cold laugh. “I’m well aware of your financial situation.”
She’s already cost me a pretty penny.
Quincey presses against the headboard even harder, as if that extra inch of space between us will do her any good. The poor girl has no idea who she’s trapped in a room with. “Then you know I have nothing to offer you.” She pushes her hair out of her face. “I have nothing.”
The way her eyes dart between the door and me doesn’t go unnoticed. She’s not as sly as she thinks she’s being, I know what she’s planning. It’s foolish, but once again, her bravery knows no bounds.
“That is where you’re wrong, Quincey Page.” I come to a stop at the foot of her bed. Cocking my head, I eye her with a bland stare. “You have something I need.”
Her body goes rigid, the muscles of her throat shifting as she swallows hard. In a move that is shockingly fast and agile for a human, she springs from the bed. Even with a wounded ankle, she’s quick as she flies across the room. The white T-shirt the doctor changed her into rides up her legs as she sprints toward the door.
With an exasperated sigh, I look to the ceiling and count to five to calm myself. I stay put even when I hear the turning of the door handle and her bare feet pound down the hallway. She can run as much as she’d like, but unfortunately for her, she’s not getting very far. It doesn’t matter how much of a head start I give her, she’ll never outrun me.
Ten seconds, that’s how long I let her have before I fly after her. I’m behind her in less than a second. The scream she lets out as my arms wrap around her middle is loud enough to wake the dead. My sensitive ears ring from the high-pitched noise.
“Stop screaming,” I order. “It’s such an unpleasant noise.” The cries are cut off when I abruptly lift her over my shoulder. Her legs kick and thrash, her hands beat on my lower back. “That’s enough of that,” I grumble, clamping my arm around her thighs, locking her in place.
“How did you move so fast? Put me down!” Quincey growls, her hands never letting up from their assault on my back. “What the fuck is wrong with you?”
“More than you’ll ever be able to understand.”
I march back into the room I intend to be hers for the foreseeable future. Unceremoniously, I toss her back onto the king-size bed. I bite back a smirk as she lands in an ungraceful heap.
Like an angered kitten, she turns on me, teeth bared. “I don’t know who you think you are or who gave you the right, but you can’t just kidnap me and then manhandle me!”
In a flash, I’m towering over her, my arms caging her in on the bed. Her chest heaves just barely an inch away from mine. “You’re wrong again, Miss Page. I have every fucking right. You see, five hours ago I forfeited a large sum of money to obtain such rights. It is now my right to hold you here as long as I see fit. It is now my right to manhandle you however I desire. It is now my right to do whatever the fuck I want with you because that little debt of yours? It’s been paid.” I lean in close, so close the vanilla scent that clings to her suffocates me. “You no longer owe Barrett Gallo.” My voice is just a whisper. “You owe me.”
Her heart pounds against her chest, the erratic beat filling my ears. “Why the hell would you pay my debt?”
“Isn’t it obvious?” I question. “I want you indebted to me.”


Releasing August 27



Kayleigh lives in Denver Colorado, just two hours away from some of the best skiing in the world. A luxury completely lost on her considering she avoids snow at all costs. Well, she avoids outside at all costs—she’s what you’d call an ‘indoor cat’. She much prefers to sit inside on her computer all day drinking massive amounts of caffeine. She’d have an IV drip of the stuff connected to her if she could.
When she’s not writing, you can find her binge-watching Netflix like it’s her job. Or at the local Mexican restaurant, because the girl loves tacos and margaritas.


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