
Spotlight, Excerpt & Author Interview: Caskets Full by Rick Maydak

Book Blurb & Info

“Robert Turner cannot die, nor can he age. Brought back to life, he sleeps in a tomb near Boston’s Old North Church and has no friends. No friends other than a dead man, the infamous witch hunter, Cotton Mather.

Robert died in 1944 during Operation Overlord. His last memory was the feeling of hot metal lancing through his abdomen as he sunk to the ocean floor, mere yards from Omaha Beach. Robert believes he was brought back, back from the dead - for a purpose. That purpose, only Cotton can interpret, for the clues come to Robert in murderous dreams. Murderous dreams that land his quarry upon “the list”. For demons walk this earth- and they must be culled.

Trapped in a modern purgatory, will Robert succeed in filling his quota? Can he cope with the ever increasing cigarette prices? Will he ever get a ticket off this rock?

On a holy mission from God, Robert seeks to eradicate demons from this world. At the same time, he also aims to drink as much beer and Kentucky bourbon he can get his mitts on. Meanwhile, visions of lovers long lost haunt him across the decades.

Questionable judgment, drunkenness, Rorschach tests and trips to the loony bin prevail, leading up to a realization that only the most paranoid schizophrenic could possibly imagine.”

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Author Interview

What genre do you write and why?

I like to write within the Fantasy, Science Fiction and Horror genres mostly because I’m tired of the mundane.  I like stories that take you away from boring, everyday, repetitive life.  I’ve read enough books and seen enough television focused on doctors, lawyers, law enforcement, etc. to last a lifetime!

Tell us about your latest book.

My latest book, Caskets Full, is about a confused, lonely, lost man who may or may not have been killed during the Normandy invasion during World War Two.  Robert Turner believes he was brought back from the dead to wage a holy war. A holy war on the demonic souls that walk our planet.  Robert sleeps in a tomb near Boston’s Old North Church and has no friends. No friends other than a dead man, the infamous witch hunter, Cotton Mather. Robert believes he was brought back for a purpose.  That purpose, only Cotton can interpret, for the clues come to Robert in murderous dreams. Murderous dreams that land his quarry upon “the list”.  By culling demons from the list, Robert hopes to gain passage to the next life.

The story takes place across two different timelines until Robert finds himself a permanent resident of the Lizzie Borden Mental Asylum.  It is here that he begins to realize the final, awful truth of his life. Meanwhile, visions of his lost love haunt him across the decades.

Who are your favourite authors?

Philip K. Dick, Neil Gaiman, Hunter S. Thompson, Ray Bradbury, Tim Lebbon

Where can people find out more about you and your writing?

Check me out on Facebook, probably the best place.  I will respond to any questions, etc., I enjoy it.

Who is you favorite character in your book and why?

It would have to be Jericho, the deranged ex priest that Robert encounters at the asylum. Jericho was simply fun to write. He’s crazy yet fully believes in what he is doing. I like the idea of someone who, after years of exposure to exorcisms, can no longer cope with this knowledge. Also, at the same time, Jericho harbors much animosity towards our current world that find interesting. 

Why do you think readers are going to enjoy your book?

I think people will enjoy it because it is, quite frankly, nuts.  It is a fun journey through insanity that will have the reader questioning what is reality, what is the hidden truth? Back and forth we go, across the decades, in a schizophrenic manner that I found fun to write that I hope readers find hard to put down. I also believe that the novel will challenge the reader to think about their own lives, what they believe, etc.

Who or what inspired you to become a writer?

I always enjoyed writing and creating.  I have stories my mother saved when I was eight years old that I recently went back and read and you can see at an early age I was living in the clouds.  I like stories that are different, that don’t fall neatly into any genres, and I have always wanted to create and explore that aspect of things.

What are you currently reading?

I just finished a book by Tim Lebbon, called Coldbrook, one of the best zombie fictions I’ve read. Would be an awesome movie or series. Really well done. I don’t often like to read authors who are alive. I know that sounds weird but Tim Lebbon and Neil Gaiman are exceptions to that.

What books or authors have most influenced your life?

Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas is my all-time favorite book; a complete joy ride through craziness. However, the most influential is Philip K. Dick because his novels were such an escape from this world. I loved how the worlds he constructed were, while amazing, less important than the interaction and dialogue between characters. He could take something like a failing marriage, stress at work, etc., place it out amongst the stars, and create something grand, vast, and yet so familiar to so many people.

When you’re not writing, how do you spend your time?

The kids! Oh my God the kids! They dominate my life.  I have an eleven year old who plays fifty different sports and a nine year old who plays twenty different sports.  We are way over scheduled. And yes, I know I am in control and could schedule less but they’re having a blast so that’s that. Then there’s work and my lovely commute.  A lot of ideas come to me while sitting in traffic as punk rock music blares on the radio.

Author Info

Rick Maydak is the author of “One If By Heaven, Two If By Hell” a Foreword Reviews' 2009 INDIEFAB Book of the Year Award Finalist. An avid fan of science fiction and fantasy novels, “Caskets Full” represents Rick’s second full length novel. A finance professional by day, little league dad by night, Rick’s odd perspective on the world comes forth through his dark satire. One day he hopes to achieve total consciousness. In the meantime, he enjoys playing vintage video arcade machines and Kentucky bourbon.

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