
Spotlight, Teasers, Author Interview & Giveaway: Torn (LOST #4) by Cynthia Eden

Book Blurb & Info

TORN by Cynthia Eden
LOST Series #4

On-sale: 5/31/2016 | ISBN: 9780062437402

In New York Times bestselling author Cynthia Eden’s latest novel featuring the Last Option Search Team (LOST), one agent’s investigation entices a killer into making her his prey.

Forensic anthropologist Victoria Palmer has always been better with the dead than the living. Shutting down her emotions, she lets few people in. But then Victoria’s latest investigation takes her and agent Wade Monroe to Savannah, Georgia. Handsome, dangerous, and more than ready to play dirty on any case, Wade weakens Victoria’s aloofness with just one glance.

Wade knows their recent cases have pushed Victoria beyond her limits. But her skills are crucial to finding a college student who went missing five years ago. Victoria is able to determine she was murdered, and that the killer is still on the loose.

And when the vicious murderer targets Victoria, Wade must do everything in his power to protect Victoria… because he refuses to let a woman he loves be torn from him...again.

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Hi Cynthia,
Thank you so much for sitting down with Toot's for an interview. If you don't mind, I have some questions for you about your new book, Torn and your process for our budding authors as well as fans.

So first off, Torn Questions.......

In your own words, what is Torn about?

Thanks so much for interviewing me!  TORN is a tale about a heroine (Victoria Palmer) who is far more comfortable with the dead than she is the living. As a forensic anthropologist, she spends her days working with the dead, trying to give them justice. But when a killer sets his sights on her, Victoria has to step out of the shadows and into the world of the living as she teams up with her new partner, Wade Monroe.

How did you come up with the title of the book and can you tell us its significance to the series or book?

Victoria’s character is TORN…quite literally. ;) Because of her past, she’s always feared getting too emotionally involved with anyone, so she throws herself into her work. But with Wade, she can’t hold back. And the emotions that she feels for him seem to be tearing her apart. She knows it is dangerous to fall in love, but she just can’t seem to stop herself. 

Torn is part of your LOST series, how does it fit in?

TORN is the fourth book in the series.  Both Victoria and Wade have appeared in the previous books (as secondary characters), so this was their time to shine. 

If you had to pick one thing, what is your favorite thing about the series as a whole?

I love the research! I get to do so much unusual research with these titles.

What was your favorite scene to write for either your hero or heroine in Torn?

In TORN, there was one scene that took place on Driftwood Beach (Jekyll Island)—I went to that beach for research, and it was such a beautiful, but oddly creepy location (the driftwood almost looks like a graveyard). So when I wrote the scene, I tried to be as realistic as possible with it.  It was a tense scene, scary because the killer was close, and the words just seemed to fly from my keyboard.

What was the hardest scene to write?

To be honest, the hardest scenes are always the love scenes. I know some people think those should be the easiest, but I’d rather kill someone in my books any day.  For the love scenes, you have to work hard to balance both the physical and the emotional aspects for the characters. If you don’t have the balance, the scenes can fall flat.

What's your favorite line or quote from Torn? 

I think this is my favorite, because it sums up Victoria’s outlook pretty well:
“You don’t believe in perfection?”
“No. Not in perfection. Not in happy endings.” Her lips flattened. “I spend far too much time with the dead for that.”


Do you recall how your interest in writing originated and what made you decide to pursue it as a career?

I’ve always wanted to write. Even when I was a kid, I would rework the ending of fairy tales. (Why did the wolf have to die in Little Red Riding Hood?).  In college, one of my majors was communication because I could never shut off my writing addiction. After I graduated, I worked for a time as a teacher (teaching is my second love), and I kept writing on the side.  Writing was just in my blood—I couldn’t stop it.

I’ve heard some authors say that for stories, the characters just talk to them. Does this happen for you or do you have another process for your storytelling?

I think some characters do talk to me…or rather, their ideas nag at me, pushing in my head until I can get them down on paper.  Some story ideas begin with scenes flashing in my head, but for others, an individual character will come to me first, whispering his/her back story to me.

What are some of the elements in/of your writing process?

When I write my original draft, I don’t stop to edit. I focus on getting the story down and letting the characters lead me. I’ll write 6k a day during that initial drafting, trying hard to stay on schedule. When I get the draft done, then I go back for my first round of revisions, making notes to myself as I go, looking for plot holes, adding/layering, etc.

Are you a Plotter or a Pantser?

I’m both! With different books, I follow different techniques. Sometimes, I need to plot out everything in advance (especially if it’s a tricky book), but other times…I just wait and see what the characters want to do.

Have you released anything under a different pen name, and if so, is there any difference between them?

No, all of my titles are under Cynthia Eden. I write both dark romantic suspenses and sexy paranormal romances. 

What's next for you?

I’ve got a new paranormal series launching soon—“Bad Things”—about the darkest of the paranormals out there.  The first book in the series is THE DEVIL IN DISGUISE.

Is there anything you’d like to add or say to your fans?

Yes, thank you!!! Thank you so much for your support! I hope that I can keep writing books that you enjoy!

Personal questions......

Now I know this is like asking you to choose between your own children, but out of all your amazing characters, who is your favorite and why?

That is a super tough question! But I think my favorite character is Niol (from MIDNIGHT’S MASTER). He’s my favorite because he was my first real anti-hero, and I discovered that I had a taste for writing heroes like him.

Are there any of your stories or characters that hold a special place in your heart?

They all do! The characters tend to linger with me long after the book is done. Saying good-bye can be hard. 

If the book had to have a theme song, what would it be?

LOL, you know what…I think I’ll pick a song that comes from Wade’s perspective. He is absolutely loyal to Victoria, and their song would be STAND BY YOU (Rachel Platten).

Lastly, What 5 things do fans not know about you and 5 they don't know about the book?

Hmmm…Five things people do not know about me: 

1. ANACONDAS is one of my all-time favorite movies.

2. I would gladly have chocolate for breakfast any day of the week.

3. Sunsets make me happy.

4. I’m an astronomy nerd.

5. I am counting down the days until the new TARZAN movie releases.

5 Things about the book…

1. TORN introduces the characters who will appear in the next two LOST books.

2. I researched TORN by reading way too many books about body decomposition.

3. I wanted to visit a body farm while writing this book, but the thought of not being able to unsee those surroundings stopped me.

4. I knew that Victoria and Wade would get together when I wrote the very first LOST book, BROKEN.

5. I changed the villain’s identity after I wrote the first chapter.

THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU for taking time to answer some questions. Congratulations on the new book and I can't wait for everyone to read it! – Toot’s

Thank you so much for interviewing me! It was a pleasure! 

Author Info

Award-winning author Cynthia Eden writes dark tales of paranormal romance and romantic suspense. She is a New York Times, USA Today, Digital Book World, and IndieReader bestseller. Cynthia is also a two-time finalist for the RITA® award (she was a finalist both in the romantic suspense category and in the paranormal romance category). Since she began writing full-time in 2005, Cynthia has written over thirty novels and novellas. Cynthia lives along the Alabama Gulf Coast.


Cynthia Eden’s LOST series: BROKEN, TWISTED, and SHATTERED

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