
Something Sweeter (Sweet Texas Series #3) By Candis Terry : Spotlight, Author Interview & Giveaway

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Book Blurb & Info

The men in Texas are hard to resist . . . Seattle event planner Allison Lane is an expert at delivering the perfect wedding—even if she might not exactly believe in the whole "'til death do us part" thing. When her father decides to tie the knot with a woman he barely knows, Allison heads to Sweet, Texas, to make sure his new honey is the real deal. What she didn't expect to find at the local honky-tonk was a sexy Southern man as bent on charming her pants off as he is on blowing her "true love doesn't exist" theory all to hell. And they always promise . . .

Veterinarian, former Marine, and Sweet's favorite playboy Jesse Wilder takes one look at Allison and knows she's a handful of trouble he can't deny. But even after a sizzling kiss and obvious mutual attraction, it seems Allison has no such problem. When Jesse uncovers her sweet side, can he crush his playboy image, melt her cynical heart, and change her mind about taking a trip down the aisle?

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Hi Candis,

Congratulations on the newest edition to the Sweet, Texas series, Something Sweeter. 

Thank you so much for sitting down with Toot’s Book Reviews again for an interview. You know us Avon Addicts can’t get enough!! This time around, let’s have some fun getting to know your Sweet, Texas world, your new book Something Sweeter and let your readers get to know you personally a bit better.

Thank you for having me back! This is one of my favorite places to be, but I was a little worried about last time. I think I had way too much fun! I LOVE LOVE LOVE the Avon Addicts!!! So yes, let’s get the party started. I have my cute little hat on and everything. J

So first off, your newest book is part of your series Sweet, Texas. For new fans, let's talk quickly about the series as a whole....

In your own words, what is the Sweet, Texas series about?

I think it’s evolved more than I ever dreamed it would! Initially when I wrote AnythingBut SweetI didn’t realize how much the town and the community would play a part. Now that I’m ready to begin the fifth full-length book (with three novellas also written), I have to say that the series is about the deep love of the Wilder family, the community who is always there when you need a helping hand or a friendly hug, and the town itself which almost serves as another character. Oh. And a goat!

What inspired the series?

Initially it was to explore how change affected everyone. I began with four brothers who were deeply changed upon the loss of their oldest brother and then their father. I wondered what kind of men these brothers would be because they’d all joined the Marines together. How they worked as a unit and separately. I wondered how a mother could survive raising these boys into men and then losing her firstborn as well as her husband. When others could easily fall apart at the seams, I wanted to explore what held the Wilder family together.

Can you tell us a bit about the newest book in the series, Something Sweeter?

Jesse Wilder is a former Marine and a veterinarian (middle child) who takes it upon himself to make sure everyone in his family is happy. Once they are all settled (including his mother) he figures he can find his own happiness. He’s great looking, has a great personality, and has a reputation with the ladies a mile long. He did not expect to come up against Allison Lane, a woman who is totally not interested in him, love, marriage, or happily ever afters. She isn’t even interested in a one-night stand which most of the women in his life have been happy to settle for. Allison isn’t a woman who will settle for anything, and she’s got a complete agenda of her own which has nothing to do with the good looking veterinarian. It takes Jesse a while to figure Allison out. And because he can’t figure her out, he decides to try and change her mind. The events that ensue are some very funny moments. And much to the very handsome and charming Jesse’s dismay, Allison takes her sweet time coming around to his way of thinking.

How did you come up with the title of your newest book in the series and can you tell us its significance?

The title actually came from Allison’s point of view. She’s a glass half-empty kind of girl who’s always waiting for the other shoe to drop. When she meets Jesse and the entire Wilder family she realizes she’s found something far sweeter than the way she’s always viewed the world through her jaded eyes.

How does the new book, Something Sweeter, fit into the series?

In the series Something Sweeter is actually the fifth story. It takes place a few months after Sweetest Mistake (Jackson Wilder’s story) ends. Although each book/story is written as a stand alone. You don’t have to read them in order, but it might be more fun.

How many books are planned for the series?

Currently there are five in print. There will be a Christmas novella this December called Sweet Cowboy Christmas. In February, Fiona Wilder’s story, Sweet Surprise, will be out, then the last planned story will by Jake Wilder’s book which will be out last 2015. So all-in-all including the novellas there will be eight stories.

What genre would you say Something Sweeter is and what sets your book apart for fans of the genre?

It’s definitely a contemporary romance. I think what sets it apart is the whole package in which the family, secondary characters, and the town all play in the story. If you’ve not met Jana Wilder, or Chester Banks, or Gladys Lewis and Arlene Potter yet, you must!

What was your favorite scene to write in Something Sweeter?

Definitely the opening scene. The wicked banter and fun going back and forth between Jesse and Allison got my blood going faster than a double shot latte!

What was the hardest scene to write for Something Sweeter?

The scene between Allison and her father where they discuss her beliefs and how her past has affected her was very difficult for me. I really felt her pain.

What is your favorite line or quote from Something Sweeter?

Most of my favorite lines or quotes come from Jana Wilder. She’s a very smart cookie. Life has handed her some hard knocks, but her heart is just so big she’s never let that get in the way. Here’s my favorite from a scene with Jana and Allison.

“Just remember, sugarplum, it doesn’t matter what road you travel, or how far, or when you come around. When love is meant to be, there’s nothing that will stop it. Not time. Not place. Not circumstance. You remember that.”

Last time we asked you about your process as an author and other “get to know you” questions. This time I thought we’d play a quick game *grin*

Or Game (in no particular order)…….

Sweet! Bring it!

Paperback or Ebook?

Arrrrgggghhhh! I’m torn! I read both. Ebook is easier for me these days.

Zombies or Vampires?

Vampires. At least they look clean (I can deal with a little blood) and they don’t have all that dead stuff or body parts hanging off of them.

Water or Soda?


The Golden Girls or Sex in the City?

Sex in the City. Just for SJP’s shoes and wardrobe.

Twitter or Facebook?


Dog or Cat?

I have to say dog or the two who own me would be very upset.

Leather or Lace?

I live on a farm so I’ll say leather. Although I do dig the two together.

City or Country?

Country. Because not only do I happily live there, but we have guys in boots and jeans around here who work with their shirts off in the hot sun and . . . oh, sorry. I digress.

Hero in Jeans or Hero in Suits?

Hero in Jeans. I’ve always been more of a blue-collar kind of girl.

Shopping or Reading?

Reading. Unless it’s shopping for reading material.

THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU for taking time to chat with us!

Congratulations again on the new book!!!

Thank you for having me! I love coming to chat with you. I hope you’ll have me back again. J

Author Info

Candis Terry was born and raised near the sunny beaches of Southern California and now makes her home on an Idaho farm. She’s experienced life in such diverse ways as working in a Hollywood recording studio to chasing down wayward steers. Only one thing has remained the same: her passion for writing stories about relationships, the push and pull in the search for love, and the security one finds in their own happily ever after.

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