
Spotlight, Excerpt, Author Interview & Giveaway : Falling for Owen (The McBrides #2) by Jennifer Ryan (CR)

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The McBrides of Fallbrook return with reformed bad boy Owen. He'll do whatever he must to protect the woman who's captured his heart. Attorney by day, rancher by night Owen McBride conquered his dark past and made it his mission to help the innocent—even at the expense of a personal life. But when a client's abusive ex-husband targets Owen and his gorgeous neighbor Claire gets caught in the crossfire, his feelings turn anything but professional. The mysterious beauty awakens something in him, and he'll move heaven and earth to keep her safe.

Coffee shop owner Claire Walsh learned the hard way that handsome men aren't to be trusted. Owen may be sexy as hell and determined to take care of her, but she's reluctant to put her heart on the line. His presence in her life puts a target on her back, yet the more time she spends with him, the more she finds she can't help falling for Owen.

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Book Excerpt

Judging by the muscles stretching the cotton shirt Owen wore, there wasn’t much soft about him. She liked that, too. Sometimes wrapping yourself in strength gave another kind of comfort. One she hadn’t allowed herself in a long time. Tonight, after the ordeal she’d been through, she wouldn’t mind having those strong arms wrapped around her and pressing her cheek to his hard chest.

Maybe the doctor could give her a pill to counteract the stupidity part of her brain. This man had children with a beautiful woman she didn’t know. Their relationship seemed more like friends, and she’d put him and the kids' mother in the divorced or never married and separated category. Either way, he wasn’t for her.

Owen pulled the robe off his shoulder and draped it over her back. She stuffed her right arm in with ease, but her left shoulder hurt like hell where she landed and skidded on the driveway. The nurse had placed an ice pack over it and wrapped her shoulder with an elastic bandage to hold it in place. Cold, her nipples stood out against the T-shirt’s thin fabric.


Hi Jennifer,

Thank you so much for sitting down with Toot's for an interview. If you don't mind, I have some questions for you about your series The McBrides, your new book, Falling for Owen, and your process for our budding authors as well as fans.

So first off, your newest book is part of your series, The McBrides. Let's talk about the series as a whole....

In your own words, what is The McBrides series about? 

Bad boys who changed their lives and are trying to be good. Family. Brothers. The McBrides are men trying to do the right thing and land the women they love. Brody and Dylan are out to win the hearts of their first loves back. Owen finally meets his first love and will do anything to protect her.

What inspired the series? 

It began with Brody and Owen. I have two brothers and wanted to capture the way they interact with each other. No, they aren't anything like my brothers, but I liked exploring that bond, the way they bicker, and always have each other's back. My husband was an Army Ranger when we got married, so I know a thing or two about the military and men who fight and come home with PTSD. Like Brody, they don't get better overnight. I think this is an important topic of our time. 

Can you tell us a bit about the newest book in the series, Falling for Owen? 

Ah, I love Owen. Now here's a man who changed his life from bad boy rabblerousing to an upstanding lawyer in the community. He's worked hard to turn his life around and not become the man his father turned out to be. He's dedicated to his clients, but one is particularly attached to him, which makes her ex-husband seek retribution against Owen. He accidentally gets the wrong address and attacks Owen's pretty neighbor, Claire, bringing her into his life. He'll do anything to protect Claire and the relationship he's building with her, even if it means dropping his meddling client.

How did you come up with the title of your newest book in the series and can you tell us its significance?

Titles aren't easy. At least for me. I have an amazing editor, who helps me out. We usually decide together, but in this case, I came up with Falling for Owen, because Claire is coming out of a bad split with her ex-husband. She doesn't trust men, especially good-looking ones who have women falling at their feet, and clients depending on them for every little thing, even when it falls outside the client-lawyer relationship. Still, Owen is determined to win Claire's heart and she can't help falling for him.

How does the new book, Falling for Owen, fit into the series?

At the end of The Return of Brody McBride, we see Owen worried about one of his clients. Her ex-husband has just been released from prison and is determined to get his wife back. And that is right where Falling for Owen begins. 

How many books are planned for the series? 

Three. The Return of Brody McBride, Falling for Owen, and Dylan's Redemption. 

What genre would you say Falling for Owen is and what sets your book apart for fans of the genre? 

I'd say it falls in the romantic suspense category. Readers will be on the edge of their seat waiting to see what happens next. What sets my books apart is I like to bring back characters from each book in the other books, so readers can follow their lives, so you'll get to see what's changed for them over time. There might even be a couple of weddings and children born along the way.

What was your favorite scene to write for your hero or heroine in Falling for Owen? 

I don't want to give away too much, but I love the scene toward the end when they finally have Dale in custody and discover everything they thought about him is completely wrong. The book turns in a whole new direction I think fans are going to love. 

What was the hardest scene to write for Falling for Owen?

I never really have a hard time writing the scenes, but sometimes one surprises me. I never really know how the book is going to end until I get there. In this case, I thought everything was going one way and with one sentence, I realized everything changed and I had to rewrite previous scenes to match up to the twist at the end.

What is your favorite line or quote from Falling for Owen? 

There's a scene where Owen and Claire are meeting for their date and they've been circling each other for days. I love the way they flirt with each other.


“I thought I liked the baseball look the best. Now, I'm thinking this is much better. I don't think I've ever seen a man look as good as you in everything he wears.”

The glint in his eyes turned sultry and narrowed on her flushed face. “If you think I look good dressed, wait until I take it all off...

“The anticipation is killing me, but right now, I'm enjoying the dirty thoughts.”

“Any one of them you want to act on, just say the word, and I'm all yours.”


Do you recall how your interest in writing originated and what made you decide to pursue it as a career?

It blossomed out of my love for reading. I used to read eight to ten books a week until I went back to work when my kids went off to school and then I started writing. Now, I spend so much time writing, I don't have time to read. When I do find time to sit down with a book, I so cherish that time I get to escape into another world.

What inspires you to put the pen to paper or fingers to the keyboard? 

I'm always creating plots and characters in my head at the oddest times. In the shower. At a stop light. A lot of times inspiration strikes when I hear a song. A lyric or the theme will spark something. 

What are some of the elements in/of your writing process?

I'm a creature of habit, so every time I sit down to write it's with a cup of coffee or tea, cookies or chocolates, and a movie I've seen a million times on in the background.

Are you a Plotter or a Panster? 

Panster. I usually only know the opening scene. From there, it's all one big surprise. Anything can happen. I'm also a binge writer. I can write for hours at a time when everything is flowing. I love those days.

Have you released anything under a different pen name, and if so, is there any difference between them?

No. I'm trying to keep up with the series I've already sold. The Hunted Series, The McBrides, and coming in 2015, The Montana Men.

What's next for you?

Falling for Owen is available April 15th. Then, Dylan's Redemption comes out on August 4th. 

Is there anything you’d like to add or say to your fans?

Thank you. Thank you for reading and loving my books and making it possible for me to do the thing I love most. Write.

Personal questions......

Now I know this is like asking you to choose between your own children, but out of all your amazing characters, who is your favorite and why?

I actually have two. 

Sam from Lucky Like Us - Book 2: The Hunted Series. He sticks with me. I think about him often. I love his broodiness and the way he loves Elizabeth. There's just something about a tough guy who falls that hard for a woman.

Owen from Falling for Owen - Book 2: The McBrides. I must have a thing for the second guys in my series. I love the way Owen is with his brother and family. He's an easy going guy now, but he came from a dark past. He doesn't apologize for the guy he used to be, he's just trying to be a better man now. He falls fast and hard for Claire. I love a guy who knows what he wants and goes after it.

Are there any of your stories or characters that hold a special place in your heart?

Again, Sam and Elizabeth from Lucky Like Us. I really love their love story.

If the book or series had to have a theme song, what would it be?

Safe by Katie Armiger. Great song, even better singer/songwriter.

Can you describe for the readers a perfect date for your couple from Falling for Owen?

A quiet evening at home in Owen's backyard, under the trees and stars. BBQ steaks, baked potatoes, and a good bottle of wine, sharing their day and a few laughs. 

THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU for taking time to answer some questions. Congratulations on the new book and I can't wait for everyone to read it!

Author Info

JENNIFER RYAN, author of The Hunted Series, writes romantic suspense and contemporary small-town romances.

Jennifer lives in the San Francisco Bay Area with her husband and three children. When she isn’t writing a book, she’s reading one. Her obsession with both is often revealed in the state of her home, and how late dinner is to the table. When she finally leaves those fictional worlds, you’ll find her in the garden, playing in the dirt and daydreaming about people who live only in her head, until she puts them on paper.

Please visit her website at for information about upcoming releases.

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