
Author Spotlight, Interview & Giveaway with Cat Shaffer : Her Hired Man in Unforgettable Heroes Boxed Set (CR)

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Book Blurb & Info

Her Hired Man


Cat Shaffer

Hot nights, a double sleeping bag and a stranger for a husband…how much can one city girl take? Lillian Osborne needs a husband for a weekend.

Wesley Hatfield needs money to customize his beloved classic car before Detroit’s biggest auto show.

The perfect agreement turns out to be anything but when their accommodations turn out not to be what Lillian had expected.

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Other Books in the Box Set

WILL WORK FOR LOVE by Amie Denman, EPIC Award and Gayle Wilson Award of Excellence finalist. When a hurricane sweeps across St. Thomas, Whitney Oliver turns to a sexy carpenter whose secret life forces him to work for her love.

THIS MAGIC MOMENT by Bobbye Terry (writing as Daryn Cross), award winning author of contemporary, historical and fantasy romance. Zack Graham, CEO of Scrumbles Snack Cakes, is energetic, magnetic, and a workaholic who refuses to let a woman make a fool out of him again.

HER HIRED MAN by Cat Shaffer, Golden Heart finalist and award-winning writer..
Hot nights, a double sleeping bag and a stranger for a husband…how much can one city girl take?

SINS OF THE FATHER by Janet Eaves, Amazon bestselling author of the Ladies of Legend contemporary romance series. Just like the Princess in the classic tale Sleeping Beauty, Aurora’s life doesn’t really begin until her heart is awakened by a handsome struggling artist.

HOLDING OUT FOR A HERO by Jennifer Johnson, who writes comedic romances so entertaining even guys read them. Author of the TMP top-selling Rescuing Riley. Abigail Benton is a bum magnet, according to her dad. When she becomes attracted to a homeless man at the community center, she wonders if what her dad says is true.

LONG DISTANCE LOVE by Margaret Ethridge, contemporary romance fan favorite and TMP top-selling author of Commitment. Sometimes the distance between two hearts can be measured in frequent flier miles.

SILENT PARTNER by Renee Vincent, award winning author of historical and contemporary romance.
Grayson Anders is a talented Latin-style dancer; Chloe LaRoche is a talented artist. When the two indulge in a passionate, out-of-control, one night stand, they wake the next morning consumed with inspiration.


Hi Cat,

Thank you so much for sitting down with Toot's for an interview. If you don't mind, I have some questions for you about your new boxed set Unforgettable Heroes, your contribution to it, Her Hired Man, and your process for our budding authors as well as fans.

So first off, Your book, Her Hired Man, is part of a new boxed set, Unforgettable Heroes. Let's talk about the set as a whole....

In your own words, what is the Unforgettable Heroes set about?

Exactly what it says – heroes you can’t forget. Men who make your heart race, touch your emotions and stick in your memory.

Who came up with the idea?

It began with the publisher, Turquoise Morning Press.

How did you become involved with it?

I was asked if I wanted to participate and I said yes, of course. I jumped at the chance to be in a set with such fabulous writers.

Your contributing story is called Her Hired Man, was it a previously written story or did you write it for the boxed set?

Her Hired Man was released a few months before the set and is one of my favorites.

Can you tell us a bit about the book, Her Hired Man?

The heroine, Lillian, finds herself in desperate need of a temporary husband. Our hero, Wes, needs money to finish restoring his classic car before a big show. He thinks he signs on to deliver a package to Kentucky but he still agrees when he learns he’s going overnight to pretend to be Lillian’s hubby. But he is not at all happy when he finds out they’re going to be camping for a week instead!

How does the book, Her Hired Man, fit into the theme of the boxed set?

Wes is one of a kind and totally unforgettable. His laid-back personality plays against the heroine’s business persona to make him a man to remember.

What was your favorite scene to write for your hero or heroine in Her Hired Man?

Early in the book, they wake up to a creature invading their tent. I loved writing this because it’s based on my own camping experiences.

What was the hardest scene to write for Her Hired Man?

The scene where he leaves to go back to Detroit without her. I didn’t want to separate them.

What is your favorite line or quote from Her Hired Man?

Wes's mental image of lying on the ground, shaking and foaming at the mouth, was replaced by one of Lillian, in her silk nightgown and now-ripped skirt, ready to battle with some hellion of the wild.


Do you recall how your interest in writing originated and what made you decide to pursue it as a career?

I’ve always loved to write. In the fourth grade, I won my first writing award, for an essay contest, and decided being writer would be the coolest thing in the world.

What inspires you to put the pen to paper or fingers to the keyboard?

I have all these adventures in my head and I so want to share them!

What are some of the elements in/of your writing process?

I try to write at the same every day, even if I don’t feel like it. I also seem to always have a cat beside me who thinks she’s my muse.

Are you a Plotter or a Panster?

Kinda both. I sketch out the first couple of chapters and take it from there. But I always knows the final scene before I begin.

Have you released anything under a different pen name, and if so, is there any difference between them?

Yes, I also write as Cammie Eicher. Cammie writes mostly dark urban fantasy although she has done a couple of humerous romantic suspense novels. As Cat, I write romantic suspense and contemporary romance, far less dark and scary.

Is there anything you’d like to add or say to your fans?

A sincere thank you to everyone who has read my books or checked out my web or author pages. I love to hear from readers!

Personal questions......

Now I know this is like asking you to choose between your own children, but out of all your amazing characters, who is your favorite and why?

Belle DuPont from Cammie’s Hell’s Belle. She has sass, spunk and an attitude that I wish I had!

Are there any of your stories or characters that hold a special place in your heart?

Kentucky Blues, a Cat Shaffer book, will always be special for me. The characters and their interaction with one another is part of it. The theme of story is family and coming to grips with the past, which I think strikes a chord with a lot of people.

If the book or series had to have a theme song, what would it be?

Lady Antebellum’s Need You Now

With Valentine's Day just around the corner, can you describe for the readers a perfect date for your couple from Her Hired Man?

Dinner – steak for Wes, of course – in a restaurant with dim lights and booths with high backs for privacy followed by a drive in his classic car before returning to her place for champagne, chocolate and whatever happens next.

Lastly, Who is your personal Unforgettable Hero?

My late husband, truly an original bad boy, who fought a hard battle against cancer without ever giving up or giving in. Healways loved me even though I’m pretty sure he never understood me.

THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU for taking time to answer some questions. Congratulations on the new book boxed set and I can't wait for everyone to read it!

Author Info

Cat Shaffer, the daughter of a poet and a teacher/librarian, grew up in northwest Ohio, finally saw the light and moved to Kentucky, the land of beautiful horses and far better weather. She lives with two rowdy cats and a Sheltie that loves to herd them, and could not continue to live if coffee disappeared from the planet.

Check out her website at
Twitter: @catromance


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  1. Thanks so much for hosting Cat today!

  2. Great interview! Thanks for sharing!

  3. Great interview, Cat!! What a sweet thing to say about your hero husband. I'm a widow and completely understand. Can't wait to read your book.

    Also thanks to the hostess for letting others know about our boxed set!!


  4. Hi Cat/Cammie! Great interview, as always. Thanks for sharing about your hunky hero Wes!

  5. Great interview, Cat! I loved learning all about your amazing story and all the personal touches you added to it from life experiences. Wes sounds like a truly UNFORGETTABLE hero!
