
Review, Spotlight, Trailer, Excerpt & Author Interview : Sing for the Dead by PJ Schnyder (PNR)

Book Blurb

Kayden, a lone were-leopard allied with the London werewolf pack to keep the zombie infestation in check, is used to working solo—until he discovers a beautiful fae woman surrounded by the aftermath of battle. He’s immediately drawn to Sorcha, but quickly discovers she’s much more than a pretty face.

Half Bean Sidhe and half berserker, Sorcha trained over centuries to become the perfect warrior. She agrees to work with local weres to investigate a new type of zombie capable of coordinated attacks—and is partnered with Kayden. He’s strong, darkly handsome and completely unafraid of her. And his kiss fills her with insatiable desire instead of bloodlust.

As Kayden and Sorcha work together, their attraction grows and their deepest scars are bared to each other. But with the force behind the deadly new zombies poised to overwhelm the city, Sorcha can only pray that the next time her bloodlust strikes, Kayden isn’t among the fallen…

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Book Excerpt

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Book Series Trailer


Toot's Review

Sing for the Dead is the second book/novella in PJ Schnyder's widely popular London Undead series which is chalk full of all our favorite PNR characters. Not only do you have zombies but you also have shapeshifters and in this book, PJ introduces us to the fae folk.

Kayden is a shapeshifting were-leopard. He's fairly content keeping an eye on the zombie population and keeping people safe from them. He's not attached to the local pack, per se, because he's a leopard but he does take direction from the Alpha, Seth.

While out paroling, Kayden comes across a woman, bent over a tiny man and she's singing. He immediately goes into protection mode and wants to help but what he doesn't know is that he's stumbled upon some fae. Sorcha is determined not to let the tiny brownie die and calls upon her fae blood to help heal him, all the while she knows danger is lurking all around. When she sees a beautiful man coming towards them, she's not sure if he's friend or foe but she's a trained warrior and will do what she must to protect her new charge.

Sorcha soon realizes that Kayden is a friend and maybe even more. The two are determined to find out what is effecting the zombies and why they are more aggressive then normal. Sorcha and Kayden team up together and plunge head first into danger!

I loved this second installment. Not only because there's shapeshifters and zombies but because PJ tells a great love story in a short novella. It's definitely a unique twist on the genre and always are fun to read. If you love PNR, you're gonna love these novellas!

Read Toot's review on the first book in the series HERE


Hi PJ,

Thank you so much for sitting down with Toot's for an interview. If you don't mind, I have some questions for you about the series and your process for our budding authors as well as fans, which I am definitely among! I absolutely adored the first book in the series, Bite Me, and can't wait for the next book.

So first off, Your newest book is part of the London Undead Series. Let's talk about the series as a whole.

In your own words, what is the London Undead Series about?

It’s about finding romance in a post-apocalyptic world. Humans are trying to survive, werewolves are hunting zombies, and the fae are coming out of the hidden places. The zombies are the mindless, shuffling type and not candidates for romance.

How did you come up with the idea, title of the series and of the current book, Sing for the Dead?

The idea was born originally as a contribution to an anthology but that anthology didn’t quite work out as a cohesive whole (though all of the stories written for it found homes). The title of the series was a suggestion by my editor at the time, Mallory Braus. She loves zombie stories. I suggested Sing for the Dead for book 2 after I was asked to change the original title because Kiss Me was too close to the title of book 1, Bite Me.

How does the new book, Sing for the Dead, fit into the series?

Sing for the Dead takes place shortly after the events of Bite Me. It continues the mystery of the newer, faster, more voracious zombies. If allowed to take over London, these zombies could mean the spread of the infestation beyond London and out into the world. More powerful supernatural beings are watching and might take drastic measures.

How many books are planned for the series?

Three, at this time. I’d love to write more if readers enjoy the series.

What was your favorite scene to write for your hero or heroine in Sing for the Dead?

There’s a scene in which Kayden takes Sorcha down into the subterranean Notting Hill Gate tube station. It’s a battle scene, but it also brings a lot of their deeper emotions to light.

What was the hardest scene to write for Sing for the Dead?

The transition between Kayden and Sorcha meeting and the scene in Notting Hill Gate tube station. I wanted to bring back Seth and Maisie and Brian, bring in important story setup and information but not let things drag on too much. It took several rewrites.

*with a wink* Did anything memorable happen to you, that you wouldn't mind sharing, during the writing of this book?

LOL. A lot of things memorable happened. I think the most fun to remember was my trip to London. My boyfriend and I visited various key places featured in the London Undead series and also indulged in a few romantic excursions too. ;)


Do you recall how your interest in writing originated and what made you decide to pursue it as a career?

I’ve been writing since childhood and stories were always in my mind growing up, throughout college and well into establishing my day job career. Just after my divorce I decided reading books wasn’t a stupid hobby and writing them wasn’t a waste of time (things my ex-husband was always telling me.) So I decided to polish my writing craft even further and pursued writing as a serious career.

What inspires you to put the pen to paper or fingers to the keyboard?

So many things! It could be music, could be something someone said or something I saw somewhere. Ideas hit me and I have to write.

What are some of the elements in/of your writing process?

I’m mostly a plotter in that I brainstorm and create an outline for my planned stories. The spontaneity happens when I’m actually writing a given scene. Sometimes it just starts to flow and goes in a completely unexpected direction. Thus, I begin pantsing and go back to update my outline later.

Have you released anything under a different pen name, and if so, is there any difference between them?

Not as yet. 

What's next for you?

The third book in the London Undead series, Survive to Dawn, is targeted to release in April of 2014.

I’m also very happy to have the next book in the Triton Experiment series releasing on January 13th, 2014. Fighting Kat is a full length novel and a direct follow up to Hunting Kat.

Is there anything you’d like to add before we get into the personal questions?

The writing process can have a lot of bells and whistles. There’s an app to help writers do just about everything. But really, it boils down to a pretty simple thing: Just write.

Personal questions......

Now I know this is like asking you to choose between your own children, but out of all your amazing stories, who is your favorite character and why?

I try not to play favorites. I try. But I have to say the character that makes me smile, and laugh, and cry, and rage the most is Kaitlyn Darah of the Triton Experiment series. She’s the most complex character I’ve ever created and still growing. She’s making me grow with her.

Are there any of your stories that hold a special place in your heart?

They all do. Every single one of my stories has one or more “easter eggs” of things that are special to me. Sometimes they’re childhood memories or favorite places I like to visit. Sometimes they were stories written for someone or in memory of something.

What was the last book you read and can you share any thoughts on it?

Laura Kaye’s Hearts in Darkness. I enjoyed this short read quite a bit, and I think the concept of the two characters unable to see each other and getting to know each other in the pitch black of an elevator is brilliant.

Lastly, let's steal an idea from the magazines.....What 5 things do fans not know about you and 5 they don't know about the book?

Hmm. 5 things about me, fans might not know yet…

- I personally like mushy peas.

- I also enjoy bubble and squeak.

- I once had a lovely tea with scone and clotted cream and jam…then had cockles and whelks 20 min later. Odd snack follow up.

- When I arrive in London in the morning, I try to stay up and not sleep until late evening to overcome jet lag as soon as possible.

Okay, now 5 things about Sing for the Dead…

- There’s an easter egg reference to the Last Unicorn in there, for those who might have read it

- Sorcha’s two-handed style with short swords is also my preferred weapons style, though my training in Kali Silat is limited and I would like to train much more

- Generally, romance tends to feature the hero on the cover, but the Carina Press team thought it would be good to feature the heroine on Sing for the Dead’s cover. I was very happy with the result.

- The Doc, Goggles, Peas and company were inspired by my little brother and his friends who’ve all grown up and become my friends too.

- I just recently attended one of their weddings.

THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU for taking time to answer some questions. Congratulations on the new book and I can't wait for everyone to read it!

Thank you for having me! Also, if you’d like to find me around the internet…

Author Info

Born and raised in the North East, PJ Schnyder spent her childhood pretending to study for the SATs by reading every fantasy and sci-fi novel she could borrow from the local and school libraries. She scored fairly high in the verbal portion.

She was introduced to the wonderful world of romance a decade later by her best friend at an anime convention in Seattle.

She now lives somewhere temperate watching the seasons go by with her two dogs and super stealthy ninja kitty, writing her stories.

PJ would love to hear from you. Whether it’s questions or comments regarding her stories or this website, please feel free to email her.

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