
November Spotlight & Interview : Niki Ellis Designs

An interview with author/book graphic designer
"A Collection of designs to bring your visions to life…."


Hi Niki,

Thank you so much for sitting down with Toot's for an interview. We rarely get to interview other people in the book industry besides authors, so this is an absolute thrill for us and we're dying to get the inside scoop.

So first off, Niki Ellis Designs Questions.......

In your own words, what is Niki Ellis Designs?

As my tagline says: A Collection of designs to bring your visions to life…. I’m an avid reader, always have been and I recently thought why not combine my 2 hobbies - reading and graphics, and here we are. I really want to work with authors of their cover design and build from there - cover, FB cover pics, promotional material, blog art design, bookmarks, buttons, shirts, anything!!!!

Do you recall how your interest in designing originated and what made you decide to pursue it as a career?

I’ve always loved to “doodle” and draw, so later in life, when I started learning about all the graphics programs out there, I thought, why not?! So between YouTube and other learning videos, I taught myself and just keep on learning all the new techniques that come out. And then I started investing in the software (which isn’t cheap!!) and thought, instead of just playing around for myself, why not see if I can make an income at something I love to do………….so, there ya go!

Book Industry Questions.......

Seeing Toot's is all about books, what type of work do you offer in the book industry?

E-book covers, Facebook cover pictures, logos for authors and conference/conventions, promotional flyers, FB badges, clothing designs, bookmarks, etc. If the author has other ideas, I want to work with them to get their name out there!

Why did you decide to focus on that industry?

It’s the marriage of the hobbies again. Plus I’ve had an opportunity to spend some time with some very talented writers and it just felt write (right!!!). I’ve actually become friends with a few of them and their assistants and I just love doing this! What more can you want than to do what you love for people you respect and care about…...

What elements go into creating a design for a book and/or author?

Understanding the author’s vision is one of the most important things - being able to listen and ask questions - know what the book is about, the characters, the scenery - all of it adds up to mixing what the author wants and what I “see” for the design……….a match!

How much input does the author have in the finished design?

The author has the majority of the input - sometimes during a discussion about what the book is about, small things are said that could trigger an idea - building from that one thought can start a unique design that may not have been even thought of before the conversation took place.

What challenges have you run into in the book industry?

Getting noticed! I have some great friends that have helped me begin, but the ability to break through and be able to show what I can do is difficult - but that’s the same in any industry. The new kid on the block has to prove themselves first…… patience is definitely a must!

Can you tell us or show us some examples of your work with authors and/or books?

I have a lot of samples, AND I just sold my first e-book cover and coordinating FB cover pic as well. The author is Nikka Reeves - you can see her book and cover pic on her Facebook page. I have done several other FB covers - all authors, but the pages are closed groups, so not accessible to everyone! I am working on getting my website up and running and as soon as it’s done, there will be samples of my work there. I have done several examples of custom covers (didn’t use stock images) and other covers that contain my graphic ideas. It’s been so much fun to let my mind wander!!!

Social Networking Questions.......

I noticed you do a lot for social networking sites for authors, what do you offer to help assist authors in social networking?

Creativity in their cover pictures (banners) and badges that help get their name out there. I would like to be able to begin with a concept and build the banner pic from the announcement of the cover (hopefully one I helped create!), the release date, blog visits, any promotions, etc. That would be amazing - to see the anticipation of writer and reader!!

What are your thoughts on social networking in the book industry?

I think FB, Twitter, Instagram and other sites are an amazing tool for both brand new and established authors. Announcements of their upcoming books, cover reveals, contests, etc. just build the buzz and the anticipation of readers and also allow others to hear about an author they may not have known of without the Social Networks!

How important is it for an author to accurately represent their work through design on social networking sites?

Immensely important. If the author hides themselves or their work, why would I (or anyone) want to read them? Being honest and above-board will pull readers to them. Showing their passion for what they do allows others to feel it and want to be along for the journey.

Future Questions.......

Any advice for would-be designers?

Learn your passion! Learn your trade! Don’t give up! And never be afraid to fail - we all do it and you will learn from that failure…….it’s a humbling prospect, but it will make you a better designer and person because of it! And remember that each person (author or reader) sees a cover, a picture, a timeline photo, etc. differently, so any suggestion or criticism is made from their view and that’s what is important. Working with someone else’s vision can be difficult at first, but keep an open mind and go with it! You may be amazed by what the teamwork will reveal!!

What's next for you?

A continuation of the learning process, creating new ideas that hopefully someone will see something I’ve done and like it! Then a dialogue will begin and we can work as a team to bring about artwork that is creative, unique and perfect!

Is there anything you’d like to add before we get into the personal questions?

I just love what I do! The creativity, bouncing ideas around and the joy when someone likes what I have done for them. Makes me feel amazing!!! I like making people happy!

A few random get-to-know you questions....

Favorite Holiday?

Christmas - I love the decorating! I have a collection of “Father Christmas’” - not Santa, Father Christmas!!!
Favorite Movie?

Hmmmmm - I have so many! I love Footloose, Grease, Sound of Music, all the Die Hard movies, Step Up, Lethal Weapon movies, the original Halloween, Purple Rain, I could go on and on - BUT I HATE stupid movies!!!!

Favorite Song?

Wow - Anything by the Eagles, Def Lepard, Michael Jackson, Nate Dogg, Eminem, Usher, Pitbull….. oh wait you asked about ONE song? Sorry, no can do!!!!

Favorite Quote?

Never look back, unless you're going that way - the past is done, you can't change or alter it, just learn from it. Today is the present, a gift to open each morning and look forward to every day. Tomorrow is the hope for the future, the light of another today, another present, another gift given to you. Enjoy today, learn from yesterday and embrace tomorrow.

Favorite Food?


Favorite Color?


THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU for taking time to answer some questions. Can't wait to see what new designs you come up with!

Click for more info on Niki Ellis Designs

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