
Spotlight, Teaser, Character Interview, Promo: Lovely By Beth Michele


Book Blurb & Info

TITLE - Lovely
AUTHOR - Beth Michele
GENRE - New Adult
RELEASE - September 26, 2013

lovelyfacebookA moment can change everything…

Ashton Taylor. Six foot one, Dark hair, chiseled jaw, riveting hazel eyes, and a body cut in all the right places. He’s a natural. Things just come easy to him. He’s used to getting everything he wants, excelling at everything he does. The grades, the recognition, the beautiful women. His path was set. A girl, a full scholarship to UC San Diego, and a bright future. To others, his life seemed perfect. But, things are never what they seem, and life, well, at any moment, something or someone can come along and turn it upside down. 

That something…the death of his father. 

That someone… Cara Hayward. 

The girl with the hypnotic eyes, melodic voice, enchanting smile, and lips sent straight from heaven. The girl who doesn’t want to be seen. So what happens when a guy who everything comes easy to, meets a girl who doesn’t come easy? Can he crawl through all the broken glass to find her? Will the girl he discovers deep down be able to see past his perfect exterior? Together, do they have the power to heal one another? Or, could the very thing that brings them together, be the one thing that tears them apart?

Character QA


Hi Ashton,

Thank you so much for stopping by Toot's Book Reviews and congratulations on having your story put to paper.

If you don't mind, may I ask you a few questions for your current and soon-to-be fans?


First, for people who may not know you, Can you tell us a little bit about yourself?

Well…I’d like to think I’m a pretty fun guy. I love my family and friends and…I love beautiful women, oh, and sex.

In your own words, tell us a bit about your book?

My book…well, it’s a love story. It’s about finding your soul mate and about the love of family, and how love awakens us.

How did you feel knowing you were getting your own book?

Pretty fucking fantastic. It’s the first thing that’s been about ME in a really long time. 

Have you read it or was living it good enough?

Let’s just say I lived it, breathed it, and tasted it.

What is your favorite scene in the book?

Hmph…well, I’m not sure I can share that. My favorite one would be any scene that included my beauty, Cara. I know I’m evading your question. I’d have to say the one right after she came to dinner and met my family. 

What's your least favorite scene?

Shelby…enough said. 

On Sports....

In the book, you play lots of sports. If you had to choose one, which is your favorite to play?

I love playing basketball, especially with my best friend Jason. I usually whip his ass, though. But it’s all good.

What is your favorite to watch?

I love to watch baseball.

Any special memories associated with sports you'd like to share?

My dad used to take me to baseball games and throw the ball around with me in the backyard. Whenever I think about it, it makes me smile.

On your home life....

After a tragedy in the book, in which your father passes away *we're so sorry for your loss*, you decide to pass on your scholarship and stay with your family. Which is very honorable but I'm curious, what made you decide to choose that path?

I don’t know if I had a choice. I love my family and they needed me. I couldn’t think about myself at that point, I had to put them first.

How hard was that decision?

It wasn’t a hard decision at the time, but I’ve had moments since where it’s been difficult.

What have you learned since?

I’ve learned that while it’s important to do for others, it’s also important to not lose sight of yourself.

Any advice for people whom find themselves in a similar situation?

The one piece of advice I would give is to just stay in the moment. Take one day at a time. You make the best decision you can at any moment…and never regret.

On Cara....

Tell us about your lady love, Cara?

Cara…sigh. Well, she is absolutely amazing. She has a beautiful spirit, a kind heart, and the most beautiful eyes I’ve ever seen.

How long have you two known each other?

We’ve known each other for about 3 years now.

For those who haven't read the book, how did you meet?

I know I can’t stop smiling. We met in the college library. It was the best day of my life. The moment my life changed.

What's your favorite thing about her? 

Wow…there are so many things. Probably how she’s is like a soft whisper to my soul. She instantly calms me. Oh, and I love her eyes. I could get lost in them…and I do. 

Just between us and the millions of readers *winks*, what is the most annoying thing about Cara or something she might do that annoys you?

She leaves her lace panties on my bathroom floor. Just kidding. Hmph. Well, sometimes she leaves the cap off the toothpaste, but as long as I get to kiss her after she brushes her teeth, I get over it pretty quickly.

If she was Ice Cream, what would her flavor be?

She would be the richest, creamiest caramel gelato

What would be your perfect date for the two of you?

It would be anywhere I can be alone with her. Anywhere I can kiss her and not stop touching her.

A few random questions....

Favorite Movie


Favorite Song

She is love by Parachute

Favorite Quote

“I love her and that's the beginning and end of everything.” – F. Scott Fitzgerald 

Favorite Food


Favorite Color


Lastly, what are 5 things fans don't know about you or the book?

I used to like to play fireman when I was little (sometimes I still do with Cara) J

I won a karaoke singing competition once

I had a rabbit when I was a kid and I didn’t like it being caged up so I set it free in the house and it chewed up everything. (Mom wasn’t happy)

I have a tiny scar on my right calf from when Jason and I were sneaking through someone’s backyard as kids and I got caught in the wire fence.

The book was initially going to be called Invisible Me. Personally, Lovely couldn’t be more perfect.

Ashton, I can't thank you enough for stopping by. Congratulations on the book and if I may say, you are the bomb!!!

Thanks for having me!

Now everyone GO BUY THIS BOOK!!!! 

Author Info

BethAuthorPictureI am a wife, a mom, an author, and a lover of all things chocolate, well, anything sweet really. While stuffing chocolate in my face, I enjoy reading young adult and new adult novels furiously, and spending time with my husband and two adorable children who keep me on my peppermint pink painted toes. Those same children who inspire me to tell silly stories that cause hysterical giggles to tumble from their bellies. I love to laugh and love to have a good cry, especially after reading a novel that stretches my soul, one that makes me feel, and lingers in the corner of my heart. I’m a hopeless romantic and a happily ever after fanatic, and I love to write about LOVE. I began writing when I was in middle school, penning anything from short stories, to poetry, and then later moved on to write children’s books. I have now endeavored into New Adult and Contemporary Romance novels and am loving every minute of it. My first novel, Love Love, was released in May, 2013.
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Book Promo

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