
Spotlight & Teasers: Dead Men Don't Kill by Viveca Benoir

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Book: Dead Men Don’t Kill
Series: Matt Saga
Author: Viveca Benoir
Genre: Dark Erotic
Cover Designed: Najla Qamber Designs
Hosted By: Francessca's Romance Reviews

Matt takes his revenge on those who have wronged him in the past. Full of dark twists and turns. Has Matt finally gone over to the dark side, and who will join him on his journey?

Another edge of the seat, jaw dropping five star action novel. A book that will have you panting and breathless until the last dark and twisted page. Hold on to your hat as Viveca Benoir takes you into the darkest, most sinister corners of her mind and makes you hers.

18+ Aged Readers only, due to the graphic content of some chapters.

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What Others Are Saying

It's so full of twists and turns, and OMG moments that you will once again be drawn into stalking, plotting, and the emotional roller coaster we know as Matt. ~ Goodreads Review

Her stories have so many twists, turns, and bumps they literally leave your head spinning and your heart wondering how or why it could feel anything for these sinister and hateful characters!! Oh did I mention my jaw being open plenty of times too!! If you do not take the time to read Viveca's foreward in her books, go back and do so. Her thoughts are absolutely fascinating. That mind of hers is definitely twisted. Goodreads Review

he action is fast paced and the characters well developed. Once again Ms. Benoir has delved deeply into Matt's twisted mind to share his story and she is not done yet. ~ Goodreads Review

This book is long but again, the writing is fabulous. I must admit the first book was quite shocking with the horrifying acts it held within, but this book was less shocking and I really enjoyed it. ~ Goodreads Review

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About The Author

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Born to British Army parents, Viveca grew up in Europe and speaks six European languages fluently, which basically means she can buy food wherever she goes. Married, with two biological children, plus four adopted children. Now, years later, the kids all grown up, she is an international best selling author, writing a variety of genres. Her hobbies, when not writing, include sailing, flying, ski-ing, fencing, dressage, and playing the cello

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