
Spotlight, Teasers, Excerpt, Review & Giveaway: Bleeding Love (Hope Town #2) by Harper Sloan

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Book Blurb & Info

I've loved once. I gave everything that I had to that love. Blindly believing that nothing could ever take that feeling away from me. Away from us. And when my little world of happiness was ripped from my fingers, I felt a loss that still haunts me to this day.

Now I use that lingering grief as a shield to keep my heart from loving again. It's that fear that keeps me from letting anyone, except my daughter, get close enough to make it hurt. To make my heart bleed when I inevitably lose again.

Until the day I met Liam Beckett and everything I thought I had protected myself from was shoved back in my face.

He's on a mission to prove to me that a love worth having is a love worth fighting for.

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Meet Liam & Megan in the newest stand alone 

in the Hope Town Series by Harper Sloan! 


Book Excerpt

His mouth leaves mine and with his hand still on my leg, he demands, “Dig your heels in deep, baby.”

I give him what he wants, but not because he told me to. I give him what he wants because when his hand leaves my leg and pushes into the mattress, bringing his body up he goes even deeper into my body and those heels push hard.

Just as he demanded earlier, my hands go to his shoulders on my own accord and as he takes my body hard, my nails dig in with my heels still pushing hard against the small of his back. Our eyes never leave each other’s probing gaze. Never once do I take my eyes away from his, so full of lust that I know there isn’t an ounce of control left in his body.

He drops his head and I lift up to meet him in a kiss so sweet it doesn’t match the powerful way that he’s taking my body. A kiss that gives me more than words ever could at this moment. His hips slow and as his tongue rolls against mine, his hips start to take me in slow, deep rolls. He doesn’t pull back, just rocks his hips against mine.

I push up and cry out when he slips even deeper.

His lips come from mine and his hooded eyes open a sliver. “Feels like heaven,” he says softly. “Everything, darlin’. Feels like everything.”


Toot's Review

Harper Sloan’s new book in her Hope Town series called Bleeding Love is the story of Liam, Megan and Molly. I know you think you’ve read a lot of second chance romances but I guarantee you haven’t read one like this. This one is about a woman so buried in grief and guilt that she’s wrapped herself in bubble wrap. She only exists for her daughter. Her husband was her world. He took her from a horrible life and gave her a new one, only to then get killed overseas. To cope, she has cut off all emotion in order to survive for her daughter but Liam Beckett wants her, wants them both and will stop at nothing to have and protect them.

For those who don’t know, Liam Beckett is the only son of John Beckett and Dee from the original stories that the Hope Town series is based off of. Liam is all grow’d up and is now a Hope Town cop. Oh and he’s the best friend of Dani Cage, which the first book in this new series is based around. In Dani’s book, Liam first meets Megan. Since he’s met Megan, he’s known that it’s just a matter of time before he can make his move on the lovely Megan. He knows that she is still grieving over the loss of her husband but now he’s decided that 3 years is long enough and it’s time for her to move on, with him! He also knows that he’s in for the fight of his life if he’s to win over Megan and bring her back to the land of the living. With the help of his BFF and the whole town, Megan will break through and learn to love again.

I absolutely love this series and just love Harper Sloan’s books in general. I was so thrilled to get this book in advance and gobbled it up in one day. I was so freakin’ excited for the story of Liam and Megan but after reading it and reflecting, I’m realizing that for me, it was a hard one to read though. Let me say first that this book wasn’t the typical formulaic romance. There were no threats or baddies to overcome or to protect against. It was all feels from the get-go. There are wonderful moments that had me laughing and crying. There were moments where I couldn’t read fast enough because the steam kept coming and there were the eye-rolling times as well. It was an emotional roller coaster and just like a roller coaster, it was at times over the top. Normally with Harper, you have the uber Alpha male and the woman who bring them to their knees. In this one, Liam is definitely Alpha, just like his dad and had the insta-love for Megan but I guess I just didn’t connect with Megan. In my eyes, she is definitely more the damsel in distress with the men who love/loved her. I could go on and on about how broken women in my books bug the crap out of me but I won’t. I will say that it was worth the read. That it added to the series nicely. That I LOVE HARPER and it was written well. I’ll say that Liam is hot. I loved Molly! And well, Megan is a head case that I didn’t identify with at all but just cuz I don’t like the heroine doesn’t mean it’s not still a good book. Give it a read and tell me whatcha think!

Author Info

Harper lives in small town Georgia just a short drive from her hometown of Peachtree City. She (and her 3 daughters) enjoy ruling the house they dubbed 'Estrogen Ocean', much to her husband’s chagrin. Harper has a borderline unhealthy obsession with books; you can almost ALWAYS find her with her eReader attached. She enjoys bad reality TV and cheesy romantic flicks. Her favorite kind of hero--the super alpha kind!

Harper started using writing as a way to unwind when the house went to sleep at night; and with a house full of crazy it was the perfect way to just relax. It didn't take long before a head full of very demanding alphas would stop at nothing to have their story told.

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