
Spotlight, Free Books & VERY SPECIAL "Carly" GIVEAWAY: The Caplin Brothers Series by Erika Van Eck

If so, we have a very special giveaway for you!!!

Book Blurb & Info

Ace's Fall
by Erika Van Eck

You may have met Ace after his recovery in Ace's Wild but now you get to see the side of him before.

Ace Caplin is fresh out of high school when he signs his first record deal with his band, Spades. Things seem to be looking up until the record label wants change. That change comes at a price.

Ace finds himself going down the darkest path he has ever been on, and it's fueled by sex, drugs, and rock 'n roll. He's going to fall into the darkness, and he's going to fall hard.
Get ready for the ride.

*This is a prequel novella to Ace's Wild.

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Book Blurb & Info

The Unraveling of Melody
by Erika Van Eck

**I highly recommend reading Ace's Wild before this because there are major spoilers to Ace's Wild in this novella.**

In Ace’s Wild you met Melody when she was repairing the cracks in her life. Now you have a chance to figure out where the cracks originated from.

Melody is starting her senior year of high school and she has high hopes for herself and friends. Although things start off well, they quickly start unraveling. Her best friend begins to avoid her, her parent’s marriage begins to crumble, and to top it off her relationship with her boyfriend isn’t living up to all of the hype.

Melody soon figures out who her true friends and family are, while others betray her in the worst of ways.

***This is a prequel novella to Ace's Wild and may contain spoilers to Ace's Wild***

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Book Blurb & Info

Ace's Wild (The Caplin Brothers #1)
by Erika Van Eck

Ace Caplin is a rock star destined for fame but plagued by addiction. That addiction becomes responsible for his plunge to rock bottom. As he begins to put the pieces of his life back together, he’s finally ready to join his band mates on tour again. Little does he know, he’s been replaced. Will this discovery push him over the edge into a drug filled abyss? Or will he make an unforgettable come back?

-Enter Melody-

Mel was at one time an outgoing girl with a passion for life but a couple of years ago her family life was turned upside down by her fathers deceit. She's left with a broken heart and an emotional scar so deep she may never trust again. With a little brother to help take care of, college to finish, and trust issues to sort out, will she find love again? This is the journey of two very different individuals whose lives intertwine and get the chance to have something neither of them ever thought they deserved- Love.

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Author Info

I'm a California girl born and raised. I'm a mom, a wife, a friend, a book nerd, a writer, a blogger. I love coffee, music, and the smell of old books. I started writing poetry and fell in love with it. My writing has expanded from there and I can't wait to share it with whoever will read it. I have many things in the works right now and I look forward to releasing them.


If so, we have a very special giveaway for you!!!

Toot's Book Reviews own lovely Carey met Erika this summer in San Diego, CA and unfortunately received 2 books made out to someone named Carly by accident. 
We here at Toot's would love to find these lovely signed books a home with the correct namesake or someone who would love to give Ace & Melody a new home. Maybe even take them out on the town, buy Melody a drink and have Ace play you a song? Basically they are feeling a bit singled out here and so, being their current guardians, we want to do right by them and give them a shiny new start in a new home. Maybe with you???

~To Enter~
Please fill out the rafflecopter below
*US only, sorry*


  1. My name is not Carly.
    I don't think I personally know a Carly.
    I wouldn't mind if I had to be a Carly.

  2. My name is not Carly
    I did know a Carly
    I would not mind being a Carly
