
Review: Take (Scars of the Wraiths) by Nashoda Rose

Book Blurb


Feelings are a luxury I can’t afford. Hidden behind a shield of quiet placidity, I keep my secret safe from those who’d use it against me. Until him—the tatted up, self-centered Scar assassin hired to protect me.

He takes pleasure in tormenting me, chipping away at my defenses as if I’m a toy to be played with. I hate that he continuously reminds me that I’m nothing more than a job. I hate that my body responds to his touch. I hate him.


I’m not a good guy and I don’t pretend to be. Condemn me if you want, I don’t give a fuck. You’re nothing to me. No one is … except her—Max. She’s my target. And I was hired to do a hell of a lot more than protect her … I was hired to kill her.
It should’ve been simple, but it was complicated as hell.

Full-length novel. Come meet the Scars.

Scars: Immortal warriors with capabilities derived from the senses:Trackers, Sounders, Healers, Tasters, Visionaries, and the rare Reflectors. They each have what is known as an Ink, a tattoo that can be called life.


Toot's Review by Stacy Sabala

Max is in hiding from the Scar Drake that kept her chained in a bedroom for six years. Now she is a new person. No one knows who she really is or her abilities. Xamien saved her and gave her sanctuary. She had stayed under the radar and numb to her feelings. That is until Jasper interrupted her in the bathroom after she showered. She was shocked at his presence. Then his words, his actions and his attitude woke her tightly reigned feelings.

When he left, he was all she could think about for six months. Then one night he shows up and saves her by whisking her away. They go on the run. She doesn’t trust him and his attitude proves why. He purposely pushes her buttons and she is unable to maintain her calm around him. She is scared that someone will learn of her true abilities. If the word gets out Drake will find her. It’s her biggest fear.

Jasper is keeping her safe as he was hired to do. However he is trying to keep her at arms length. To him she is supposed to be just a job. He does know that if she falls into the wrong hands his order is to kill her. The longer he is with her he questions whether he will be able to do it. Then Max’s worst nightmares come true.

I have read books by this author before and loved them. Her books are raw and gritty. They are not for the faint-hearted. The characters are rough as is the language at times. This book is not different in that aspect. The characters are broken and raw. They come together with amazing chemistry almost like an explosion. I loved watching them fight with each other. Max became feisty and fought back.

In this book there were paranormal issues. The storyline introduces scars that have special abilities. Some read emotions, some can find people, some heal and some have heightened senses. The storyline for this reason was intriguing. The author introduced a new type of race and hero. Jasper was a reluctant hero during the story and fought his feelings throughout. It was an excellent story. This is definitely a great author to watch. I give it a 4 out of 5.

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