
Review: Dwellers of Darkness (Darkness #3) by Stacey Marie Brown

Book Blurb

Some days feel like years, but in Ember Brycin’s case just the opposite is true. Em would be 22 now—if she were human. She’s not. She is a Dae—part Demon and part Fay—with a little Dark Dweller thrown in to make her more of a freak.

Life has become further complicated for Ember since returning from the Otherworld. Besides being continuously hunted by the Seelie Queen, Ember is at the top of the Unseelie King’s list, after breaking her oath with him. No one breaks a vow with the Unseelie King without extreme consequences.

Adding to Ember’s problems is a certain Dark Dweller whose mood has become violent and cruel. As much as she’d like to deny it, there is an undeniable connection between them. Eli is sexy, gorgeous, and frustrating as hell. She also knows he is holding something back, something that could change their relationship forever.

But her problems go way past him. As the tension for war mounts between the Seelie and Unseelie (Light and Dark), the tension at the Dark Dweller’s compound escalates even more as they prepare to obtain the Sword of Light—the only weapon able to kill the Queen.

But is Ember the answer to the location of the sword? Is she the one to fulfill the prophecy? As usual nothing is ever what it seems.


Toot's Review by Stacy Sabala

Ember is back on the Dark Dwellers’ compound. Kennedy is learning about her powers and being a Druid. Jared is watching over her. Ember feels guilty about leaving her step father Mark and friends Ryan and Josh back in the otherworld. Plus she can’t feel Torrin. She is worried about what the Queen is doing to him. The bond she has with him wants her to go to him but she doesn’t love him the way he wants. Her feelings for Eli and the relationship they have grows. She chooses to remain with him.

When Kennedy accidentally hits Ember with a revealing spell, a map appears on Ember’s back. They think that the sword of light is located there. They just have to figure out where there is. The Unseelie King gets involved. He will help them find the sword but after it is used he wants it for himself. The whole group go after the sword. Ember is the center of the group holding them together. However along the way, she learns who her father really is, which blows her life apart. Then she is betrayed by one she trusts, making another big sacrifice to save those she loves.

This series keeps getting better and better. In this third book, Ember is still a strong character, which I love, with a big heart. She would sacrifice herself for those she loves in an instant. I love how she interacts with the rest of the characters. Her relationships with Eli and Torrin are both complicated. This adds such an interesting twist to the storyline.

The author also created these intriguing, battling sides. You don’t know who Ember should trust. It is crazy and frustrating for both character and reader. I was so furious for Ember at the end of this book. I could just feel her frustration and confusion. She is trying to do the right thing but she can never get a break. I’m not sure what direction the author will go next but I can’t wait to read it. I give it a 4 out of 5.

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