
Spotlight: Mr. Right Now, Volume #4 (Made To Sin Men) by H.J. Bellus

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Volume 4
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Volume 4 

Deadlines threaten to drown the Sterlings as they wrap up business in LA. Dax is in jail serving time, Eli is preoccupied, and Kam is in rehab, leaving Cole to keep the business afloat once again. He was even forced to call in their cousins, the Bennett boys, to oversee club business in Denver. 
All he knows is Kam better come out of rehab with his head on straight and ready to get back to work.

Jett has problems of her own. She screwed Kam over in the worst possible way, but that won’t stop him from seeking revenge and getting his old life back. The thing is, nothing stops a Sterling from getting what he wants.

-This is a four-part erotic serial.-

Volume 4 teaser

the series
Volume 1


Volume 2


Volume 3


About the author  
I'm just a simple girl who loves the country life.. .oh yeah! & a good corn dog! Throw in a little Vanilla Ice, and shits bound to get crazy! Be brave... -Loves country life & music -Gets the case of the "eff-its" often -Loves Big -Hurts Big -love corn dogs & candy.... & (sex & candaaay) -My heart is happy writing!!!

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